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Bitcoin’s Most Powerful Smart Wallet

Smart Vaults wallet is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin security. Easily create secure and recoverable vaults using our built-in templates for the most common use cases. Smart Vaults is built on bitcoin miniscript, trust bitcoin, not us.
Get it on App Store

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Get it on Google Play

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Set up collaborative custody

Collaborative Bitcoin Custody

Smart Vault shines when multiple users participate in a vault with their own private key, effectively co-managing it. Participants get push notifications of spending proposals, approvals, and finalized transactions - keeping them informed and enabling them to promptly take action when required.


Convenience in your pocket

From vault creation to signature orchestration. Everything can be done on-the-go.

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Coming soon

Coming soon


For Businesses

Businesses can capture their business rules into vaults and leverage our mobile application. Smart Vaults also offers institutional co-management.


Key-agents welcome

With Smart Vaults, bitcoin advisors and key agents can provide their customers with comprehensive custody and inheritance solutions.

Join the Waiting List

If you are an Advisor or key agent, enter your email below and we'll reach out to you:

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About Us

We are a blockchain development team focused on solving high-value problems for users. We believe Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology and will have a significant impact in people's lives and the global economy.

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